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Servicios (4)

  • Want to be a Bilingual teacher in Texas?

    Are you interested in becoming a bilingual teacher in Texas? Global Vida can provide you with all the information you need to become certified in the state of Texas as a bilingual teacher. We offer a comprehensive guide on all the necessary steps and certifications required, so you can easily navigate the process and achieve your goal. Sessions can be in Spanish or English.

  • ¿Interesado/a en ser maestro/a bilingüe?

    Después de entender bien lo que debes hacer....Apúntate inclusive a usar esta nueva aplicación móvil para documentar tu proceso de Certificación Estatal como Maestro Bilingüe (STC por sus siglas en inglés), según los requisitos de TEA. Paso a paso todo lo que necesitas para alcanzar tu meta en el estado de Texas.

  • Want to be a bilingual educator?

    Book this service and we will enroll you in the first State Teacher Certification, STC WEB-BASED APP! Never miss a step, a document or a workshop to help you achieve your goal. Created based on the bilingual certification requirements of the Texas Education Agency.

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Eventos (6)

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