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  • Want to be a Bilingual teacher in Texas?

    Are you interested in becoming a bilingual teacher in Texas? Global Vida can provide you with all the information you need to become certified in the state of Texas as a bilingual teacher. We offer a comprehensive guide on all the necessary steps and certifications required, so you can easily navigate the process and achieve your goal. Sessions can be in Spanish or English.

  • ¿Interesado/a en ser maestro/a bilingüe?

    Después de entender bien lo que debes hacer....Apúntate inclusive a usar esta nueva aplicación móvil para documentar tu proceso de Certificación Estatal como Maestro Bilingüe (STC por sus siglas en inglés), según los requisitos de TEA. Paso a paso todo lo que necesitas para alcanzar tu meta en el estado de Texas.

  • Want to be a bilingual educator?

    Book this service and we will enroll you in the first State Teacher Certification, STC WEB-BASED APP! Never miss a step, a document or a workshop to help you achieve your goal. Created based on the bilingual certification requirements of the Texas Education Agency.

  • Bilingual Supplemental TExES 164

    This Bilingual Supplemental Certification Exam Review includes 4 virtual sessions and it is presented in Spanish and English (con conexiones directas a la aplicación práctica) You can expect each session to cover supplemental certification competencies including history, foundations of biliteracy, instruction of content for emergent bilinguals, and global issues. Each topic mirrors the percentage of time as the number of questions presented in the actual exam. The VIDA approach uses lots of practice opportunities with one-on-one coaching support.

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